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  • Big1 Penis Enlarging & Sexual Performance Ointment

Big1 Penis Enlarging Ointment

. The herbal extracts generally enlarge the width of the penis by 0.5cm to 0.75cm within the first month of application. This increase is most noticeable at the base of the penis.

2. During the second and third month, the penis generally grows in length, averaging the same growth size as that attained within the first month of application.

3. Simultaneously, there is a noticeable increased in the vein’s size. This increases the blood flow into the penis. Every customer has reported this experience within the first three weeks of application.

4. For best results, it is recommended that the time of application be at least three months.

Directions: For external use only

1. Cleanse and dry penis well.

2. Apply and spread Big1 evenly over the penis skin area.

3. Allow to dry before you wear clothes or place a condom over penis.

4. Leave it on for a min period of 4 to 8 hours.

5. Wash after use.

6. Best used before going  to sleep and leave on until morning.

Contents to be used up within a month of opening the bottle. For best results use for 3 months.

Frequently asked questions

Q: Has the product been clinically tested?

A: No. If you want clinical trials, we advise that you go to a pharmaceutical company and live with inferior products and side-effects that will probably last you a lifetime. Big1 are manufactured with natural ingredients that have been tested and tried over many generations. Their effectiveness is unquestionable and the envy of many. Ours is a natural product, not a drug.

Q: How can I be sure that there are no side effects?

A: The herbal ingredients used in our product have been in use since time immemorial. Many tribes use these natural ingredients and there are no records of any side effects. We use a gel base that may irritate the skin in certain cases, but these cases are extremely rare. Also, we have a committed team of professionals constantly working to ensure maximum efficacy and no side effects.

Q: What are the advantages of the ointment over pills?

A: No matter what is said, pills will affect others parts of the body. Long-term side effects are not known. However, with the ointment, the only areas affected are the desired ones. Unlike anyone else, the ethnobotanical data actually supports the effectiveness of the natural ingredients and further shows long-term advantages from its use.

Q: Will the size stay the same even after stopping the treatment?

A: Yes. This is especially the case with the rural tribesmen and everyone else that has used the product.

Q: Why do I have to use a condom over the ointment?

A: To ensure that the actives are in contact with the skin and the maximum effect is achieved. If a condom is not used, the actives may rub off onto the clothing and therefore the results will be reduced. Further, the traditional doctors have warned us to ensure that the actives to not get in touch with other parts of the body such as the testicles as it will make them grow as well!

Big1 Penis Enlarging & Sexual Performance Ointment

  • Brands Sexplicit
  • Product Code:SP681
  • Availability:In Stock
  • R380.00